When I first joined Delta Gamma, I had no idea the impact it would have on my collegiate career. Delta Gamma quickly became a home and I had made a new family. I had the privilege of living in our chapter facility where I made some of the best friends I could ever ask for. Delta Gamma has given me new connections, leadership opportunities , and new experiences. Without Delta Gamma I truly have no idea where I would be at now! Delta Gammas values have helped me become a better person. I have instilled a great quality of character and have focused on my friendships. It is truly humbling to be apart of something that is bigger than yourself. I am thankful everyday for Delta Gamma and my sisters. I am always aiming to, "Do Good."

-Hannah McDonald, Chapter President


Delta Gamma

Local Chapter: Gamma Epsilon


President: Hannah McDonald | dggepresident@gmail.com 

Vice President of Programming:  Mckenna Major | dggeprogramming1@gmail.com

Vice President of Social Standards:  Nima Hurdt | dggesocialstandards@gmail.com

Vice President of New Member Education: Allie VanGoor | dggenewmembereducation@gmail.com

Vice President of Membership: Skylar Benedik | dggerecruitment@gmail.com

Vice President of Finance:  Brooke Jung | dggefinance01@gmail.com

Vice President of Communications: Kylie McColloch | dggecommunications@gmail.com

Vice President of Foundation: Hartley Heiss | dggefoundation@gmail.com

Panhellenic Delegate: Skyler Freiling | dggepanhellenic@gmail.com

Social media

Instagram: @ksudeltagamma

Twitter: @ksudeltagama

TikTok: @ksu_deltagamma

More info

Mission Statement: Delta Gamma offers to women of all ages a rich heritage based on principles of personal integrity, personal responsibility and intellectual honesty. Its primary purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility, and develop the finest qualities of character.

Motto: "Do Good”

Colors: Bronze, Pink and Blue

Flower: Cream Rose

Symbol: Anchor

Mascot: Hannah Doll

Founders Day: December 25th, 1873


Service for Sight

Previous Events Include:

Anchor Cheer

Night for Sight Gala

Slices for Sight

Fun Facts

  • Delta Gamma was founded on December 25, 1873 in Oxford, Mississippi at the Lewis School for Girls by three young women who were unable to go home for the Christmas break.

  • In 1877, Delta Gamma adopted the anchor, the age-old symbol of hope, as their national symbol.

  • "Service for Sight" became the heart of Delta Gamma's mission in 1936, when a member who was blind, Ruth Billow (member of the Eta chapter at The University of Akron), petitioned to adopt it as our official philanthropy.

  • The Delta Gamma Foundation has founded 5 schools for the blind across the U.S.

  • Kent State Delta Gamma works directly with the Cleveland Sight Center each year volunteering and raising money to help patients and families afford the treatment they need.